Tarantula Care

Tarantula Care for Beginners: Setting Up Your First Enclosure

Tarantula Care
Written by Szymon Klich


Tarantulas are fascinating creatures that have gained popularity among pet enthusiasts. If you’re new to tarantula care, setting up your first enclosure can be intimidating. This article will guide you through the step-by-step process, ensuring your eight-legged friend has a comfortable and safe habitat.

Choosing the Right Tarantula Species

Before setting up your tarantula’s enclosure, select the suitable species. Different tarantulas have various care requirements, so choose one that suits your experience level and preferences. Some popular beginner options include the Chilean Rose Tarantula and the Mexican Red Knee Tarantula.

Selecting the Right Enclosure

Once you’ve decided on a species, it’s time to choose an appropriate enclosure. A well-ventilated glass or plastic terrarium is ideal for most tarantulas. Ensure that it’s escape-proof by securing the lid, as these critters can be surprisingly agile.


The substrate is the material at the bottom of the enclosure. Tarantulas use it for digging, hiding, and regulating humidity. Standard options include coconut fiber, peat moss, or both. Make sure the substrate is deep enough to allow burrowing.

Temperature and Humidity

Keeping your tarantula at the proper temperature and humidity is essential to its health. Most tarantulas prefer a temperature range of 70-85°F (21-29°C) and humidity levels around 70%. Use a hygrometer and a thermometer to monitor these conditions.

Furnishing the Enclosure

Now it’s time to add some furniture to your tarantula’s home. Provide a hide for your pet to retreat to, such as a small piece of cork bark or a plastic shelter. Add a shallow water dish for drinking and maintaining humidity.

Feeding and Diet

Tarantulas are carnivorous, and their diet mainly consists of insects. Crickets, mealworms, and roaches are suitable options. Ensure the prey is appropriately sized for your tarantula, and remove any uneaten food to prevent mold.

Handling with Care

Tarantulas are not typically handled like traditional pets. They can be fragile, and their bites, though rarely dangerous, can be painful. It’s best to observe them from outside the enclosure. If you must handle your tarantula, do so with caution and wash your hands thoroughly afterward.


Tarantulas molt to grow, shedding their exoskeleton. During this process, they are vulnerable, so be extra cautious and avoid disturbing them. Provide a quiet and stress-free environment.

Breeding Considerations

If you intend to breed tarantulas, research the specific requirements of your chosen species. Breeding can be a complex process that requires careful planning and knowledge.

Expanding Your Tarantula Collection

If you’ve successfully cared for your first tarantula and are looking to expand your collection, here are a few tips to consider:


Just like when you started with your first tarantula, research is vital. Learn about the new species you’re interested in, their habitat, behavior, and specific care requirements. Different species have different needs, so understanding these details is crucial.

2.Quarantine New Tarantulas:

It’s a good practice to quarantine any new tarantulas you acquire before introducing them to your existing collection. This helps prevent the spread of diseases or parasites if the new tarantula carries any.


Ensure you have the appropriate enclosures for your new tarantulas. The size and setup will depend on the species and their growth potential. Make sure you have suitable hides and substrate for each tarantula.


Be prepared to feed different types of prey to meet the dietary preferences of various tarantula species. Some tarantulas may prefer crickets, while others may enjoy roaches or other insects.

5.Breeding Considerations:

If you’re interested in breeding tarantulas, this becomes more complex when dealing with multiple species. You’ll need to learn the specific breeding behaviors and requirements of each species you plan to breed.

6.Space and Time:

Expanding your tarantula collection will require more space and time. Ensure you have enough room for each enclosure and can dedicate time to their care.

7.Community and Resources:

Join online forums tarantula enthusiasts’ groups, and connect with experienced keepers. They can offer valuable advice, answer questions, and provide support as you grow your collection.

Maintaining Your Tarantula Collection

Taking care of a growing tarantula collection requires diligence and dedication. Here are some essential considerations for maintaining your tarantulas:

1.Regular Maintenance:

Just like your first tarantula, each tarantula in your collection needs consistent care. Regularly check on their enclosures, ensure proper temperature and humidity, and provide fresh water.

2.Health Monitoring:

Keep a close eye on your tarantulas for signs of illness or stress. Unusual behaviors, loss of appetite, or visible physical changes can indicate health issues.

3.Record Keeping:

Maintain a record of each tarantula’s species, age, feeding schedule, molting history, and any noteworthy behaviors. This information can be valuable for tracking their progress and health.


Understanding the molting process is crucial. Tarantulas shed their exoskeleton as they grow, and during this time, they are exceptionally vulnerable. Be prepared to provide a quiet, undisturbed environment, and ensure they have access to water, as hydration is vital during molting.


While most tarantulas are solitary creatures and should be kept in individual enclosures, some species can be owned communally under specific conditions—research thoroughly before attempting communal housing.


If you decide to breed your tarantulas, ensure you are well-informed about the mating rituals and behaviors of the species you work with. Breeding can be a complex process, and it may not always result in successful reproduction.


Remember that handling tarantulas is generally not recommended, and it should be avoided whenever possible. The stress of handling can be harmful to these delicate creatures.

8.Escape Prevention:

Make sure your enclosures are secure to prevent escapes. Even the most experienced keepers can occasionally have a tarantula slip away, so take precautions to minimize the risk.

The Tarantula Enthusiast Community

As you continue your journey in tarantula keeping, consider joining the thriving tarantula enthusiast community. You’ll find forums, social media groups, and local clubs where you can connect with fellow hobbyists. This community can provide invaluable support, share knowledge, and even offer opportunities for tarantula exchanges.


Setting up your first tarantula enclosure can be a rewarding experience. Remember to choose the right species, provide a suitable section, and maintain essential conditions like temperature and humidity. Furnish the enclosure, feed your tarantula correctly, and be cautious during molting. You may make your new arachnid companion a cozy home with a little time and attention.


1.Can I handle my tarantula?

Handling tarantulas is not recommended, as it can be stressful for them and potentially dangerous for you.

2. How often should I feed my tarantula?

Feed your tarantula 1-2 appropriately sized insects every 1-2 weeks.

3. What should I do if my tarantula is not eating?

It’s normal for tarantulas to go without eating for extended periods. Keep offering food, and they will eat when they’re ready.

4. Can I house multiple tarantulas in the same enclosure?

In most cases, it’s best to keep tarantulas separately, as they can be territorial and may fight if housed together.

5. How long do tarantulas live?

Tarantulas can live for several years, with some species reaching lifespans of 20 years or more.

About the author

Szymon Klich

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