
Tarantulas as Educational Pets: Unlocking Classroom Benefits

Xenesthis Tarantula
Szymon Klich
Written by Szymon Klich

Looking for a pet that won’t take up all your time and space? Tarantulas are unique creatures offering educational benefits along with their exotic charm. Dive into this blog, and you’ll discover just how these eight-legged friends can make learning exciting, from biology to responsibility.

Get ready – tarantulas might just crawl into your heart!

The Benefits of Tarantulas as Educational Pets

Let’s delve into the world of tarantulas.. Fascination in every step, a peek into their lives offers students an immersive learning experience—where care meets curiosity, busting myths along the way.

Manageable for busy students

Busy students often struggle to find time for pets. Tarantulas, however, are different. They need little upkeep which is perfect for those with packed schedules. A bit of water and the occasional feeding – maybe dubia roaches or insects – is all it takes to keep them happy.

Their space needs are minimal too. Just a proper enclosure with enough room, some coconut fiber or coir for bedding, and you’re set. This ease means students can focus on their studies without worrying about their eight-legged friend much at all.

Plus, handling tarantulas teaches important life skills like being careful and gentle – no sting worries here!

Fascinating to observe

For students who find their schedules packed, tarantulas offer a break that’s not just easy to fit in but also incredibly intriguing. These creatures spin complex webs and move with a calm precision that can hold anyone’s attention.

Watching them go about their daily activities is like peering into another world – one where intricate patterns emerge from silk and patience leads to success.

Tarantulas bring the mystery of nature right into your hands. Their silent movements and expert hunting skills seem almost magical as they navigate their habitats. And it’s more than just watching; understanding how these arthropods live and thrive offers lessons on life’s delicate balance.

Observing a Lasiodora parahybana or Acanthoscurria geniculata in action teaches so much without saying a word – every moment becomes an unspoken lesson in the marvels of our natural world.

Easy to care for

Taking care of tarantulas is pretty simple. They don’t need much to be happy – just a right-sized home, the correct bedding, and some food. Unlike dogs or cats that need your attention every day, these spiders are different.

You only have to feed them once or twice a week, and their water dish just needs a quick refill now and then.

Tarantulas keep things clean on their own too. They usually pick a corner for waste, making it easy to spot-clean. Plus, they’re so quiet! You won’t hear any noise from them as they go about their spider business.

Remember the Mexican Redknee Tarantula? It’s one of those calm kinds that are perfect if you’ve never had a pet spider before.

Can teach responsibility

Caring for tarantulas helps students learn how to be responsible. They need to feed their spiderkeep the habitat clean, and make sure it’s safe. This shows kids that taking care of something living is a big job.

It’s not just about having fun; they have to do work too.

They also learn to watch out for the tarantula’s needs. If it’s too cold or too wet in the cage, they have to fix it. These tasks help children see how their actions affect others.

Next up – let’s talk about how these cool pets can change our minds about spiders!

Can dispel myths and fears

Teaching responsibility leads right into another cool benefit of tarantulas as pets—they bust myths and scare away fears. Lots of people think spiders are always dangerous. That’s not true, especially with pet tarantulas like the Tliltocatl albopilosus.

They’re pretty chill and won’t hurt you if they feel safe. By living with a tarantula, kids and adults learn that these creatures aren’t scary monsters from movies. Instead, they see how important they are in nature.

Handling these hairy friends needs care because of their urticating hairs, but it’s all part of the learning process. People get to find out firsthand what’s real about tarantulas and what’s just a tall tale.

And who knows? Maybe having a spiderling around will make someone love science more or even turn them into a spider expert someday!

Choosing and Setting Up a Tarantula Habitat

Selecting the perfect home for your friend isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s crucial to their wellbeing. You’ll want to create a cozy corner that mimics their natural habitat, ensuring they thrive and offer countless teachable moments along the way.

Proper enclosure

A tarantula’s home matters a lot. You need a safe place where they can’t get out and other pets or kids can’t get in. A 5 gallon glass tank works well for one female tarantula, giving her enough room to move around without taking up too much space.

The tank must breathe too, with good airflow through mesh screens or vents. Keep your spider happy and healthy by getting the house just right. Tarantulas especially like their privacy, so make sure they have a cozy spot to hide away when they want to be alone.

Keeping everything just so helps your pet thrive and makes watching them more fun!

Adequate space and substrate

Tarantulas are like mini landlords of their own little space. They don’t need a ton of room to be happy, which is perfect for keeping them in a classroom or home. What’s key is the type of ground they walk on—called substrate—that needs to match where they come from in the wild.

For example, if it’s a rainforest spiderling, you’d mix up some substrates that feel like home to them.

Here’s the scoop on setting up their pad: These critters enjoy digging and hiding—it’s just what they do! So make sure their enclosure has enough substrate for burrowing fun. It also provides a comfy spot for molting— that’s when they shed their old skin to grow! A secure lid keeps everyone safe while leaving holes for fresh air.

This setup gives tarantulas everything they need without needing tons of space.

Appropriate temperature and humidity

Tarantulas are tough pets. They’ve adapted over millions of years to handle changes in weather. Still, they do best when their homes feel like the places they come from. Some need it more moist, like a spiders from rainforests that wants between 70-90% humidity.

Others live in drier spots and don’t need as much water in the air.

Keeping the right moisture is key for a healthy tarantula. Use good dirt or ground cover that holds water well, but not too wet! Mist the home sometimes to keep things just right – not too dry or damp.

Make sure there’s enough air moving around so it doesn’t get stuffy inside their space.

Incorporating Tarantulas into the Curriculum

When it comes to bringing tarantulas into the classroom, there’s more to it than just wide-eyed excitement—these eight-legged educators can serve as a jumping-off point for dynamic lessons ranging from biology basics to intricate ecosystem interactions.

Imagine students captivated by real-time spider behaviors, where every movement is a live case study.. now that’s hands-on learning at its finest!

Hands-on learning opportunities

Tarantulas bring the wild into the classroom, sparking curiosity and active learning. Students get to touch, watch, and care for these creatures up close. They see firsthand how a spiderling eats, grows its new skin during molting and lives day-to-day.

These moments turn book knowledge into real-world experience.

Kids learn best by doing – tarantulas make that possible without leaving school grounds. Observing and taking care of a classroom pet teaches life science in action. It helps students understand nature’s cycles better than any e-mail or picture could ever show them.

Plus, they pick up important social skills as they work together to keep their little friend healthy and happy.

Teaching about biology and ecosystems

Having tarantulas in the classroom brings life to lessons on biology and ecosystems. Students get up close with a real creature, learning how it fits into the world’s web of life. They can see how tarantulas interact with other living things, their role in controlling pests, and how they adapt to different environments.

Watching these spiders also sparks interest in bigger topics like biodiversity and conservation. Kids understand better when they have a live example in front of them – seeing a spiderling grow, eat, or shed its skin ties back to big ideas about nature’s cycles and balance.

This hands-on experience turns abstract concepts into tangible truths for young minds eager to learn about our planet’s intricate systems.

Studying different types of spiders and their behaviors

Tarantulas are a gateway to the big world of spiders. Students get to see how these creatures live and grow right in their classroom. They watch young spiderlings eat, build homes, and even shed their skins! Every kind has its own special ways.

Some dig tunnels, while others make webs high off the ground.

Seeing tarantulas up close helps kids learn how important they are in nature. They find out about different spider behaviors and job roles in their habitats. These lessons reach beyond just spiders — they connect to larger ideas like ecosystems and food chains.

Fascination grows as fear fades away, giving students a new view on these often misunderstood animals.


So, keeping tarantulas can be pretty cool. They help you learn and aren’t hard to take care of. Plus, they’re not costly and don’t need much space. If you want a pet that’s different and teaches you stuff, a tarantula could be perfect! They really show how amazing nature is.


1. What can kids learn from keeping a tarantula as a pet?

Kids can learn about responsibility, science, and nature by caring for a tarantula.

2. Are tarantulas safe to keep around children?

Yes, if handled gently and under adult supervision, many tarantulas are safe for kids.

3. Will having a tarantula at home need a lot of space?

Nope, they’re pretty chill with small spaces; just a nice terrarium will do the trick.

4. Do tarantulas need special food or care?

They enjoy simple meals like crickets and require less care than your average pet dog or cat.

5. Can keeping a tarantula help overcome fear of spiders?

Absolutely – getting to know these fuzzy buddies often helps folks ditch their spider scares!

About the author

Szymon Klich

Szymon Klich

Szymon Klich is a Polish arachnologist and spider aficionado, who owns the Spiders World website. His expertise spans from Araneae to Theraphosidae, with a particular focus on tarantulas like Brachypelma and Poecilotheria. Klich's digital arachnarium showcases diverse species, from Nephila's golden orb-weavers to Latrodectus' infamous black widows. As an accomplished breeder and educator, Klich demystifies arachnids through informative essays on spider anatomy, from spinnerets to pedipalps. His work touches on arachnid ecology, discussing their roles from pest control to silk production.

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